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Targeting Capabilities|July 10, 2024

Make your customer data work harder

Our Customer Data Match solution lets you use your data to better target customers.

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As advertisers embrace a future without cookies to track customers online, dependable customer data is more valuable than ever. But with increasing concern with protecting consumer privacy, the ways in which consumer data is collected and stored by brands and websites are changing. These changes are causing advertisers to reconsider how they target audiences and measure the effectiveness of their digital campaigns.

Spectrum Reach has always operated without reliance on third-party cookies. By leveraging our privacy-focused aggregated and de-identified first-party data, layered with premium second- and third-party data, we can reach your target audience across all screens.

We now are helping clients harness their own first-party data to target specific households, with our Customer Data Match solution. Maybe you want to connect with your customers who purchased a certain product, to let them know there is a new and improved version available. With Customer Data Match, you can target your existing customers or prospects with specific messages across platforms like display, online video, and streaming TV. You can even extend your reach further with the ability to use retargeting, contextual, behavioral, and lifestyle targeting.

We take privacy seriously, and use a privacy-complaint onboarding platform through our partnership with Cadent. All data is anonymized and matched via Cadent’s extensive identity graph, so that Spectrum Reach never has access to your first-party data.

As an advertiser, your data allows you to future proof your advertising. We can help you put it to better use, so you can target any desired audience—whether they are in the awareness, consideration, or purchase phases—and customize creative messages to the audiences you care about most.

To learn more about how Spectrum Reach can help you put your valuable first-party data to use in a privacy-focused manner, to target audiences right down to the zip code, by household, or by device, contact us today.

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